Saturday, October 20, 2012

Visas and Building Progression

Please pray for us and our resident visa process.  We were supposed to return to Lima over a month ago to finish the process but we still do not have the green light.  The new law that would prevent us from getting visas is supposed to take affect in November but I have not heard what is going on with the law.  We are praying that we will be able to get to Lima next week so we can finish the process and start our kids process.  We already got the newly apostilled birth certificates from the States (because of a new rule they made) so we have everything read on our end.  Please pray for this.  Not getting visas would cause many problems.  God is sovereign though and we trust in Him.

We have been building the offices in our new place, where the church will meet in March.  It has been going well and we are making progress.  Here are a few pictures.

Yea, we know, the offices are small.
Our team, including Wehrner and his mom, spent the afternoon at the Killillay's for a brunch.  We spent time praying as a team and Wehrner talked to us about team unity and the dangers we will face as we enter into war with the devil.  He stressed the importance of guarding our families because that is where, often times, the greatest blows come. 

I was excited that our friend Ike brought me back some maple breakfast sausage seasoning that I ordered from the States.  I talked the butcher shop into grinding me some pork and I made 10 pounds of sausage.  I have to say that it was great and tasted like the stuff I made back home in my butcher shop.  They have nothing that resembles breakfast sausage in Peru or Costa Rica, so this was the first time any of us had eaten breakfast sausage in over a year.  It was a great treat and Wehrner loved it as well.  I can see that I may be getting back into meat processing. 

Emmy and Micah relaxing with a movie

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