Sunday, April 22, 2012

Curahuasi, Peru

Outside of Curahuasi, Peru
Tim and I are talking off for Cusco on Tuesday and returning to Costa Rica on May 1st.  Estimados, please pray for us as we have much to do and many miles to travel.  Pray for our safety, communication, our families back home and that this meeting will bring together us and our Peruvian brothers with like-mindedness for the sake of advancing the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Peru.  All the glory can only be taken by God and Him alone.  Para la fama de Su nombre.


Tommi Sitton said...

Praying for you now, Scott. May the Lord go before you and prepare the way for you to glorify Him!

Kurt Mustian said...

God richly bless you with opportunity, encouragement, boldness and strength as you meet with these fellow laborers in Christ. Glory!