Thursday, August 4, 2016

Getting Settled and the Reforming Peru Fall Conference

We have been getting settled and enjoying the summer with our family since we have arrived at the end of June. Levi and his family drove up from California to spend the month of July with us, and Chase drove from Kansas to spend three weeks with us. 

Like always, time flies by and we have been busy. We love our church, Calvary Baptist, in Helena and we are so grateful that they gave us the church parsonage to live in. The transition has went amazingly well. We are so grateful to our kind and gracious God. 

The church in Cusco continues to thrive while both us and the Martinez family are in the States. Joe and family return to Cusco at the end of August to continue on with the church. 

I am excited to be going back to Peru on August 23rd to visit my dear brothers and sisters in our church in Cusco, as well as to participate in another Reforming Peru conference in the jungle. A group from our church in Helena, Calvary Baptist, will be joining our good friends at Mount Vernon Baptist church in Atlanta to teach the Ashaninka people about the local church and holiness. A group of Peruvian brothers are making a trip to the villages right now to gather up the Ashaninka people for the conference. We are expecting a large turn out this fall. 

Below is the schedule and prayer list. We really beg your prayers for this conference. 

Reforming Peru 2016 Fall Conference

August 29th Monday (Conference Begins)
Childcare       Joanna and Irene (Calvary)
Session 1       What is the Church? Nature of the Church (MVB)
Session 2       Holiness defined (2 Timothy 2:20-26) (Scott)
Session 3       What is the Church? Attributes of the Church (MVB)
Session 4       Questions and Answers (Everyone)

August 30th Tuesday
Childcare       Joanna and Irene (Calvary)
Session 1       What is the Church? Marks of the Church (MVB)
Session 2       Pursuing holiness (Hebrews 12:14) (Chad)
Session 3       Who is the Church? Membership of the Church (MVB)
Session 4       Questions and Answers (Everyone)

August 31st Wednesday
Childcare       Joanna and Irene (Calvary)
Session 1       Who is the Church? Leadership of the Church (MVB)
Session 2       Holiness in all our conduct (1 Peter 1:15-16) (Chad)
Session 3       What Does the Church Do? Mission of the Church MVB
Session 4       Questions and Answers (Everyone)

September 1st Thursday
Childcare       Joanna and Irene (Calvary)
Session 1       What Does the Church Do? The Unity and Love of the Church (MVB)
Session 2       Holiness and sexual purity (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8) (Mike)
Session 3       What Does the Church Do? The Discipline of the Church (MVB)
Session 4       Questions and Answers (Everyone)

September 2nd Friday
Childcare       Joanna and Irene (Calvary)
Session 1       Where is the Church Going? Hope of the Church (MVB)
Session 2       Holiness as a requirement for elders (Titus 1:8) (Mike)
Session 3       What is My Place in the Church? The Call to Love and Serve the Church (MVB)
Session 4       Questions and Answers (Everyone)

Prayer List
-       This trip requires extensive travel by plane and bus. Please pray for safety and that all luggage, books, and Bibles will arrive without problems.
-       Please pray that the Word of God would be made effectual in the hearts of the people.
-       Pray for God to remove distractions of the enemy that may prevent people from hearing.
-       Pray that God would bring all the Ashaninka and locals to the conference without obstacles.
-       Pray that all the teachers will be able to commune with God and prepare well spiritually each day.
-       Pray that we will preach the gospel clearly and boldly.
-       Pray that the teachings will be clear and understandable for the Ashaninka people.
-       Pray that God will be glorified.

The success of all real missionary effort is dependent on prayer.  Anti-missionary Churches are dead Churches, just as anti-missionary Christians are dead Christians.  The trophies won by our Lord in heathen lands will be won by praying missionaries, not by professional workers in foreign lands.  More especially will this success be won by saintly praying in the churches at home.
- E.M. Bounds

1 comment:

Gus said...

May the Lord guide and protect you.