Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back in Cusco and More Baptisims

We made it back to Cusco without problems.  The trip started out with our plane from Helena being one hour late and then a frozen plane in Minnesota that we had to change.  However, it was all smooth after that.  We traveled a long ways to get to Cusco and never slept for 29 hours.  We dropped the suitcases at the door and went to bed. 
We enjoyed many things about our time in the States, but we are very glad to be back in Cusco and back with our church family.  The prayer meeting tonight was full and it was excellent to sing and pray again in Spanish.  It was so good to be with our Peruvian family once again.  It looks like ministry will not wait and I will be very busy right away.  We will be baptizing two more members soon!  Miguel, a man in his 50's, has been coming faithfully to our church for around 8 months.  God saved him during his time here and it seems he is really growing.  However, there are family difficulties because of his new faith.  Wehrner's brother Breitner is the other guy being baptized.  We attended his wedding in August of last year.  He grew up knowing Christianity, but did not want anything to do with it.  About a year ago, God really started to work in his life and convict him of sin.  He was saved and is now growing greatly in the faith.   
Our apartment made it through the time fine, other than an infestation of sugar ants who ate 100 times their weight in Fig Newtons from the States the first night.  We are now in a war with the colony using chemical warfare as well as hand-to-hand combat. 
Thank you all so much for your prayers. 

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