Friday, September 21, 2012

The Martinez expedition

We were back on the road again by 8:00 a.m. and heading into the Chaco. The Chaco is mostly small towns and farm land. Towns can be hours apart and there is nothing in between each town. We passed many old houses made of faded, old, antique, wood. They reminded me of the old houses you see in photos from the 1800’s when people were riding in covered wagons across America to claim and settle the land. Only the ones we saw had satellite dishes on their roof. We saw many farms with cattle. I saw the beauty, but Joe saw lunch! He kept mentioning how plump, round, and beautiful those cows looked. As we were driving along down Route 12, it had been hours since we had last seen a town, and then I heard Joe said, “Pray! Pray!” I instantly began to pray for God's protection. Our brakes had completely gone out and we could not stop!!........................
Our partner Joe Martinez and his family obviously arrived safetly to Cusco but they had quite the adventure in getting here.  Read the rest of the story at their blog here.

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