Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sweet Opportunities

Larry preaching and Jaynie translating
A lot of great things have been happening in our church in Cusco.  Our friend Larry Chandler and his daughter Jaynie and her friend Ashley have greatly encouraged us.  Larry was here for a week and preached four times in our church.  Ashley and Jaynie will stay on with us for another month or so.

Thanks to Joe Martinez, Jaynie, and Ashley, the music in our church during worship has drastically changed for the better.  Joe is playing some sort of conga, Ashley plays the guitar and Jaynie sings.  Instead of asking God to forgive us, at times, for our worship, I now have great joy in singing the sweet songs of Sovereign Grace in Spanish.

Many new discipleship and evangelistic opportunities have came our way in the last month.  I'm now meeting with a guy named Ccori to study the Bible each week.  God seems to be working in him a lot, judging by the countless questions he has.  Our conversations sometimes go on for four hours.

Me, Ashley, Roger, Raegan, Jaynie and Emmy
I'm still meeting with Rony each week and another young couple Efraim and Julie, although the later are usually hit or miss.  

While Larry was staying at a hotel by the church he build a relationship and shared the gospel with a young man named Roger.  Roger is going through tough times in his life.  Larry gave him a Biggest Question DVD and the man was greatly affected the next day.  We talked to him one night after church and then gave him a Bible.  I am supposed to start meeting with him each week as well.

Another sweet thing happening in the church is that Joe Martinez started a study for University students on Thursday nights.  It seems to have gathered interest and is going very well.  

Anthony Olson started a Bible Club for kids on Tuesday and Thursday and at first up to 30 kids were coming to it each day.  There is now a smaller group of around 15-20 that come regularly. 

Larry brought down a bunch of books that we received from the Gospel Coalition, as well as some theology books from Larry's church, Mount Vernon Baptist Church.  We are building a good library but we need many more books to arrive.  We will give out the first sets of books on our jungle trip this September.

Here are a few pictures of our time with Larry.

Joe, Wehrner, Larry, Me
Jaynie, Larry, and I at the land

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