Packing up our entire life in 13 suitcase once again, has been interesting. We long to be settled. Just think how difficult it can be to move within your own town, or across the State, or to another State, or across the United States. Well when you move everything to two countries and are limited by the airline baggage regulations, it is a challenge to say the least. Please pray that our luggage all gets to Lima and Cusco on time.
Another prayer request when we enter the country we need to have our passports stamped with a 183 day visa in order to have enough time to complete the resident visa process. They won't give you this without a reason so we must talk them into it. If they don't give it to us that means we will have to leave the country when our tourist visa runs out. This will cost us thousands. Please pray that we will find favor with the officials. Also pray for us to be able to get our visa process started within the week we are planning on being in Lima. If it is delayed, which is possible with Latin American red tape, then we will have to stay longer in Lima, which will be costly.
Please also pray for our safety as we have a lot of traveling to do and especially while getting around in Lima. Please pray for the Killillay and Martinez families to be able to find an apartment to rent. Mostly please pray that we will hold fast to our faith, cling to Christ, depend on Him, and find our contentment, joy and peace in Him and not the circumstances we will face.
Here is a recap on the prayer requests:
- No problems at the airport with luggage and that it all arrives.
- 183 day visa stamp at immigration tomorrow.
- Resident visa process will be started in our week in Lima with no delays.
- Safety in travel and protection in Lima.
- Find our contentment and peace in Christ and not the stressful circumstances.
- The spiritual battle that is already upon us. Pray for unity, grace, and peace.
Bro I'm praying for you and your family. Keep pressing on and keep looking to Him to provide for everything. :)- tj
Thanks for the prayers and encouragment brother. Press on
I don't know you and Kim but get this information through Sheryl Rozeboom. I certainly will keep you in my prayers and we know that no matter where we are God will never leave or forsake us. Marvin Boelman from Aplington, Iowa. I went to college with Norm VanManen who evidently knows Norm from Sully, Iowa days.
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