Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A few more days to Costa Rica

A few more days of travel and we will be in Costa Rica!  We have been saying some sad goodbye's lately but Jesus is worth it.  We are going to miss so many people.  We thank God for the great family and friends that He put in our life.  We thank so many of you individuals and churches that are holding the rope for us so that we can go down into the well. 
Many people have been asking about our new mailing address and how you can send us things in Costa Rica so here is some information. 

Costa Rica mailing address:

Scott Doherty
Instituto de Lengua Española
Apartado 100 - 2350
San José, Costa Rica

Sending things by mail to Costa Rica:

Everything mailed to Cost Rica, except books, is subject to duty. Getting packages can be a time consuming process if they are stopped by customs officials. Sometimes packages arrive without a problem, other times I will have to go to the post office and pay a customs charge. In general, it would be OK to send small, inexpensive items, but not electronics or other high priced items. (Also, clothes, even used, are often charged a high duty)

***PACKAGES: We recommend that you not send packages via Fed Ex. it is very expensive for you to send, and it is expensive and time consuming for me to receive the package here in Costa Rica. They are requiring students to go through a lot of "red tap" in order to receive the item, and I will have to pay extra handling fees on this end. It is much better to send it through normal postal services.

Some of you have asked about how to send the kids money or presents on their birthday's and Christmas.  We can't really accumulate anything in Costa Rica because we will still have to get all our stuff to Peru and there is luggage restrictions for the airplane.  It would be better to give money to them if you must give them something.  The best way to do this is to contact me by email and then I will give you our account number at Wells Fargo and you can deposit it at any branch.  I can then take out the money here in Costa Rica with my ATM card.

If anyone has any questions just let me know.  Thanks everyone.  May Jesus Christ be the center of our lives and we live in a way pleasing to Him for His glory.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Scott Doherty said...

Anoymous has once again shown his ignorance and said something stupid because he is a wolf so I removed his comment.

Anonymous said...

Vaya con Dios, Dohertys! We love y'all! You are in our prayers, knowing full well that our awesome God will supply your every need.

Chris & Sheryl

P.S. having a hard time getting comment to post.

Anonymous said...

the only way I could get comment to post was by clicking on "Anonymous" - however, we have no clue who posted what on here previously as "Anonymous"- just an fyi.

in His grip,

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled on your blog and wanted to give a little advice. I am a missionary serving here in Costa Rica and if someone wants to send you something, the BEST way has been the mail. We have received books, clothes, candy, dvd's, cd's, etc in the mail with no problems other than the expense of the shipping. The only issue we have ever had was receiving items shipped using Jet Box.

Enjoy your time at ILE!